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January 2017 Newsletter

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Planned Giving Mentor

Professional Partnerships: Hospice Philanthropy Group L.L.C.


Quote for the day: “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” - Gandhi

Quickie quiz:.....Does your charity live in one of the 10 states where households have $1,000,000+ in investable assets? (Answer below)

Senior Spirit.....Click the Senior Spirit link (below left) for a copy of the latest articles from Certified Senior Advisors

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I'll wait for my CGA...Interest rates are going up.......Probable donor says: “I just heard on CNBC that interest rates are going up. I have your CGA proposal in hand but I think I will wait a little while to see if this is the right move for me.”

Lately, I am beginning to hear the above from those with good intentions but not great charitable motivation. They are concerned they will get a better deal if they postpone acting on their CGA proposal.

Let’s step back and examine if this is truly a good “strategy” waiting to make a gift.

(Click to receive a white paper on why it does not pay to wait!)


Marketing Idea #1.....Put your Legacy brochure on your web site for easy download.

I have noticed an increasing number of charities putting their Legacy brochures on there web site No matter what web site service you use or if you have a self administered planned gift pages, it is good practice to create multiple uses for your brochures.


Example 1: Lasting Legacy brochure from Frederick Memorial Hospital, Frederick, MD

Example 2: Legacy Circle brochure from Roper St. Francis Foundation, Charleston, SC

In searching many web sites for sample brochures I uncovered several questionable practices.

1. Most web sites do not include a brochure that can be downloaded. Either they do not have a brochure or they post the brochure elsewhere.

2. Most contact info is to an office or staff title, i.e. VP Development and not to a specific individual such as: contact: Sally Jones at 215-123-4455. Remember older individuals do not want to hunt for the correct person on your voice mail system so spend a little time and effort and make Legacy contacts personal.

3. Several sites had a membership form to complete but no brochure. I found that very strange. Some forms were canned forms from web site providers and some were personalized to the Society as PDF files. How does a donor know what they are joining and also where does it go once it is electronically sent to the office? Do you have a procedure to monitor inquiries?

4. Forget the words Planned Giving on your site and replace them with Legacy or Heritage or the Name of your Society, i.e.Bierdman Society and St. Augustine Legacy Society.

Your legacy society should be the central focus for growing your charitable estate and gift planning program.


Position opening.....Director of Planned Giving for UNC at Charlotte

As an additional service to my newsletter readers and in conjunction with Pascal-Murray, Executive Search I am assisting in the recruitment of the Director of Planned Giving for UNC at Charlotte.

A complete position description link is bellow you can access the position at the Pascal-Murray web site

Just let me know if you have any interest or know of other capable candidates

Position description for the Director of Planned giving for UNC at Charlotte.


Gift Annuity Rate Update and Laminated Gift Annuity Rate Charts.....If you would like a laminated rate chart for the most recent ACGA rates simply request one using the following E-mail request and put Laminated Chart in the subject line and be sure your signature line has your full address.

Download a PDF chart of single life $10,000 cash gift and two-life $100,000 security gift for ages 60,65,70,75,80 here.


Fidelity Charitable report: "How couples give".....Fidelity explores how those who are married or living with a partner make their charitable decisions. It will not surprise PG professionals that 8 of 10 married donors make giving decisions together and couples rarely or not at all disagree. Men and women hold differing views on who takes the lead role in giving decisions and how equally they share the decisions they make with their spouses or partners.

Food for thought as you sit down with couples to discuss their charitable planning. Important to note only 20% consult their advisor on what to gift or where to give it.

Full report click here.


Quiz Answer.....The following are the top 10 states: 10. Delaware, 9, Washington DC, 8. Virginia, 7. New Hampshire, 6. Massachusetts, 5. Alaska, 4. Hawaii, 3. New Jersey, 2. Connecticut, 1. Maryland.

6.28% of Delaware households to 7.55% of Maryland households have investable assets of $1,000,000 or more.


News and Notes....

100 Year Later - Billionaires - 1917: John D. Rockefeller became the world's first billionaire on September 29. - Today: There are approximately 1,810 billionaires, and their aggregate net worth is $6.5 trillion. For context, Rockefeller's net worth in today's dollars would have been about $340 billion. Bill Gates, the world's richest man, is worth $84 billion today.

100 Years Later - Homes -1917: The average price of a U.S. house was $5,000. ($111,584.29 when adjusted for inflation). Today: As of 2010, the average price of a new home sold in the U.S. was $272,900.

100 Years Later - Cars - 1917: The average price of a car in the U.S. was $400 ($8,926.74 when adjusted for inflation). Today: The average car price in the U.S. was $34,968 as of January 2017.

MAKE A LOT, PAY A LOT - The top 10% of US taxpayers (based upon 2014 tax data) reported adjusted gross income (AGI) of at least $133,445, received 47% of the AGI reported in the United States and paid 71% of all federal income taxes collected in 2014 (source: Internal Revenue Service).

LOVE THOSE GRANDKIDS - The 81% of grandparents that provided cash gifts to their grandchildren over the past year gave an average of $2,383 not counting non-cash gifts such as child care or transportation (source: TD Ameritrade).

THE FOUR LARGEST - 1 out of every 3 Americans (33%) lives in just 4 US states – California, Texas, Florida and New York. These 4 states were home to 107.5 million citizens at the end of 2016 out of our nation’s population of 323.1 million (source: Census Bureau).

WEALTH - The richest 1% of individuals in the world have a collective net worth that exceeds the collective net worth of the other 99% of people in the world (source: Oxfam International).

ESTATE TAXES - The federal estate tax exemption is $5.49 million as of 1/01/17, i.e., a married couple would be able to shelter $10.98 million from federal estate and gift taxes. Only 0.2% of Americans that are expected to die in 2017 (an estimated 5,200 deaths) will leave estates that will be subject to the payment of federal estate taxes (source: Tax Policy Center).

RETIREMENT - The average cost of retirement is more than $700,000 or about two-and-a-half times that of the average house and nine times more than the average cost of a college education. By comparison, the average cost of a home is $278,300, the cost of a college education is $83,400, and the cost of raising a child to age 18 is $245,300.


Kudos Corner - Celebrating gifts of all types and sizes

In this section I periodically highlight some recent gift expectancies and gift program elements I think will be helpful and informative, not all gifts are included.

(Returns in next issue)


James E. Connell and Associates is a national consulting service devoted

to increasing resources for charities using the power of charitable estate and gift planning techniques.

Pinehurst office: PO Box 3335, Pinehurst, NC 28374
Phone: 910-295-6800

Northeast office: 20982 Bayside Avenue, Rock Hall, MD 21661

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