2007 Newsletter |
this link for your April
2007 issues of Planned Giving Mentor in PDF format.This
issue covers ides for "Non-Cash Gifts" which covers the
following topics: Gifts of Publicly Traded
Securities, Personal Property, Real Estate and Life Insurance Gifts.
article on Gifts of Real Estate appears in this issue and a subsequent
article on "Appraising Real Estate" will appear in the
next issue. A complete collection of past authored PG Mentor articles
along with other useful items check out Planned
Giving Mentor |
speeking engagements
AHP Mid-Atlantic, Williamsburg, VA ,May
AHP Southeast, Chattanooga, TN, June 3-5
AHP Madison Institute, Madison, WI, July
AHP International, Philadelphia, PA, October
Tidbits to
keep in mind....... |
can doom retirement plans --- A Fidelity
Investment study indicates that while 63% of today's workers plan
to work in retirement, they shouldn't count on making up for inadequate
savings by doing so, since such plans are often doomed by unexpected
health problems. The study found the typical working American is saving
at a rate to replace about 58% of income in retirement, but that figure
factors in private savings, Social Security benefits and pensions. |
is our oldes state?--- If you said Maine with
an average age of 41.2 years you are correct. The youngest is Utah
with an average age of 29.5 years. Typical eastern retirement states
like Florida (rank 6) and South Carolina (rank 26) are older than
the western retirement state of Arizona (rank 47). |
do you get for $100,000 in a commercial annuity?-- That depends
on interest rates. Here's the monthly payment from an immediate
joint and survivor lifetime annuity for a husband and wife both
age 65, purcahsed in May of each year.
1998-$754, 1990-$803, 2000-$647, 2004-$578,
and 2006-$584
A charitable gift annuity would be $560,
plus an income tax deduction of $32,071 and tax free income for
an effective rate of 7.34%. |
Isay new book “Walking on Eggshells: Navigating the Delicate
Relationship Between Adult Children and Parents”
covers many of the dilemmas faced by baby boomers when they have
their parents care on one side and children on the other. Excellent
reading, available from Amazon. |
Pinehurst office:
PO Box 3335, 15 Pinewild Drive, Pinehurst, NC 28374
Phone: 910-295-6800
Northeast office: 20982 Bayside Avenue, Rock Hall, MD 21661Phone: